Wednesday, August 31, 2005
what's your c:// means to you? to me, no matter how i like it or hate it, it's always the system i can't really totally wipe out or live without, no matter how many times i reintall the window system, i still need to fill in the old data, backup mails and stuff. like a few months ago, i lost all my data, my harddisk in my old sony laptop dead out without a sign, it got all my works over the past 7 years... i was like, what the hell? it was such a disaster... still i manage to survive till now, but it's like i am losing an arm or even more, that was my precious thing that i treasure... i would have it back at any cost. but it's gone dead for sure. i am still waiting if there is any new technology that can resurrect it anyhow. protect your c://, back it up daily!
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
new acquaintance / new commandments?
got it from a new acquaintance
1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile .
7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.
13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile .
7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.
13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
Monday, August 29, 2005
internet business is back again
can you feel the heat? i hope it won't be a thing just like few years ago. almost every firm or designer friend is doing one or more blog sites, we are doing blog skins for as well. more enquiry for revamp and building new sites in the last 3 months than the last 2 years in total. i just dont feel right about this coz it smells fishy in a sense, cant really figure out what's really wrong tho. i hope my cleints have a website that they can really optimize for what they paid for.
2005 is a turn-key for eveything i guess, let's hope for the best for all. i hope my life will have a big change too, seriously. i just feel i am lack of something, all questions, like a vision for where i am heading to? a girl friend? what's really make me carry on? more organised work flow? a new staff? better inter-personal skill? a fish tank with tropical fishes?
a better life is what i need, but who doesn't?
2005 is a turn-key for eveything i guess, let's hope for the best for all. i hope my life will have a big change too, seriously. i just feel i am lack of something, all questions, like a vision for where i am heading to? a girl friend? what's really make me carry on? more organised work flow? a new staff? better inter-personal skill? a fish tank with tropical fishes?
a better life is what i need, but who doesn't?
Sunday, August 28, 2005
vj culture // we are alpha
video jockey or vj is a term coined in the early 1980s to describe the fresh faced youth who introduced the music videos on mtv. the word vj is also used to represent video performance artists who create live visuals on all kind of music.
alpha team // beat per minute // channel a < > channel b // dance culture // edirol v4 // fader // graphic // high definition video // internet // jamming // korg kaoss pad // lcd projection panel // motion dive // non interlaced // overhead projector // pixelization // queue // resolume // synchronization // tap // usb // vector // // xga // yuv // zoom //
alpha team // beat per minute // channel a < > channel b // dance culture // edirol v4 // fader // graphic // high definition video // internet // jamming // korg kaoss pad // lcd projection panel // motion dive // non interlaced // overhead projector // pixelization // queue // resolume // synchronization // tap // usb // vector // // xga // yuv // zoom //
Friday, August 26, 2005
bad taste strikes back
click here > 請拍手!! click here > 請拍枱!!
如各位看官有幸睇到上面ive條link唔嘔血嘅話,咁真係好嘢,website入面重有好多呢D咁精彩嘅video!都唔知邊個諗條咁嘅橋出嚟,都算勒,重要有人會buy先至大獲,港式反智思想潮流盡顯!依家D後生有幾多力水,先在此不作討論。有幾多叻仔叻女睇完條片覺得潮覺得型,跟住走去讀設計就真係YO咯。我真係出盡哂力都諗唔到rap同hip hop dance同呢個知專里程高級文憑課程有乜關係,如果有高人或原創者解說就好勒....完了!!
如各位看官有幸睇到上面ive條link唔嘔血嘅話,咁真係好嘢,website入面重有好多呢D咁精彩嘅video!都唔知邊個諗條咁嘅橋出嚟,都算勒,重要有人會buy先至大獲,港式反智思想潮流盡顯!依家D後生有幾多力水,先在此不作討論。有幾多叻仔叻女睇完條片覺得潮覺得型,跟住走去讀設計就真係YO咯。我真係出盡哂力都諗唔到rap同hip hop dance同呢個知專里程高級文憑課程有乜關係,如果有高人或原創者解說就好勒....完了!!
korea force
韓風唔只襲港,更加吹襲全世界,看官請睇samsung ceo係今期fortune magazine封面出現就知堅揪。今期fortune更有兩頁有關steve jobs係美國standford大學o既演講詞,精彩絕倫,唔睇走寶呀老細。重有好多國內同胞同mm都以擁有一部三星手機為榮。就連我o地呢d做web o既都對韓地website拍哂手掌,真係唔夠佢做!同理韓地website已經走出咗一套獨立o既visual language同風格出o黎,只不過係數年間就可以有o甘o既成果,真係好厲害,主要韓國政府大力支持創意工業,出手、出錢、出力同埋係真心搞,唔係香港政府搞埋呢d"細喔"表面o野,搞呢劑o野益到一個半個人,有mud用?可唔可以做d大圍o野益吓整個創意工業?!英國佬都有資料話佢地近幾年o既創意工業帶入咗好大o既國家收益,設計呢家o野做得好,唔只係錢,連國家形象都威翻哂,信心翻哂o黎。最好o既例子就係韓國同台灣。風水佬呃你十年八年,唔係話捧高自己行頭,設計將會大大影响社會o既一切一切。
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
my own private www
wanting // waiting // wasting
你o地一日花幾多時間係網上面?我除咗瞓覺o個幾粒鍾之外,都係網上。每日都會上newsgroup check吓有咩新font同design料。睇下外國最新o既website,如果你地有webcam,想睇o下超正flash 8 player效果,可以試吓呢絛link玩落雪,同家吓每日寫篇blog o甘。好多人都想係網上揾o野,揾information,揾朋友,揾男女友,揾錢,揾工同伙記,揾mp3...,the list go on。應有盡有,真係要mud有mud,睇你係咪網上達人o架啫。我試過想揾個仇人o既資料,後尾點知連佢係邊度結婚。個女係邊讀書,同老婆係邊間雜誌社做都煮到出o黎,真係幾crazy,唔係話我,我係話internet ,hold住o左好多私人資料,好多隨時連你自都唔知,學呀hackers裏面個cereal-killer話齋,就算你唔上網,你個名都會係n個server同network出現n o甘多次。所以近年美國有個新興行業,就係幫你揾同剷走d你唔想比人見到資料或衰o野。internet絕對係一把兩刃劍,睇各位點用。唔知大家又可唔可以分亨o下你o地上網做d mud呢?
你o地一日花幾多時間係網上面?我除咗瞓覺o個幾粒鍾之外,都係網上。每日都會上newsgroup check吓有咩新font同design料。睇下外國最新o既website,如果你地有webcam,想睇o下超正flash 8 player效果,可以試吓呢絛link玩落雪,同家吓每日寫篇blog o甘。好多人都想係網上揾o野,揾information,揾朋友,揾男女友,揾錢,揾工同伙記,揾mp3...,the list go on。應有盡有,真係要mud有mud,睇你係咪網上達人o架啫。我試過想揾個仇人o既資料,後尾點知連佢係邊度結婚。個女係邊讀書,同老婆係邊間雜誌社做都煮到出o黎,真係幾crazy,唔係話我,我係話internet ,hold住o左好多私人資料,好多隨時連你自都唔知,學呀hackers裏面個cereal-killer話齋,就算你唔上網,你個名都會係n個server同network出現n o甘多次。所以近年美國有個新興行業,就係幫你揾同剷走d你唔想比人見到資料或衰o野。internet絕對係一把兩刃劍,睇各位點用。唔知大家又可唔可以分亨o下你o地上網做d mud呢?
my life as a tee
就咁,寫jor三篇白話文,好似唔多自然,都係地檔d好,又或者john wu式英文會更好。:) 就如A小姐所言,我本身係一件t-shirt,just can't change it.不過我諗當年我係stussy tee,依家係蝦米靚tee la褂!十年人事幾翻新,感慨良多。今年係第十個年頭做平面設計,上年年尾搬office,就正正係十年前入行design house轉一條街啫,依家住緊o個到又係十年前同frankie,david合住o嘅地方轉一條街。成件事好似發jor一場夢o甘。連食開o個間新龍記,上海鋪,葱油雞飯,全部都係翻o西到,只不過見到d老細老jor十幾年白o西頭o甘,我自已兩邊都白la。由當年一件mud春麗都唔識,full cert都無張,無真正讀過designo嘅咖央,到依家係一間小型creative studio老細,都算係o甘咯呱...。
遲d重可能會係career path上有重大突破,成事o嘅話,再係到同大家講。
遲d重可能會係career path上有重大突破,成事o嘅話,再係到同大家講。
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
d drive
妳好...不知道妳會否看到這篇blog,原來不經不覺已經兩年,為甚麽會突然記起,只因剛又為eason做了一個演唱會。兩年前就是和妳看完now x eason在西港城的演唱會後,妳向我提出分手。ironically,當年在primal scream演唱會裏令我看到妳後追求妳。是否真的不經不覺,我想並不然,途中回頭不知回望多少遍,為人婆媽的我在頭一年不知問過,央求過多少次,給妳在msn駡過不知凡幾。一切回頭太難,罪有應得。星期六,打電話給妳,原本想和妳討論新的video project怎麼做。怎知變了一個長途電話,原來妳身在台灣短遊,聽到妳尷尬地乾笑幾聲,相信又是和F先生同遊罷,當然識相地說句"回來再談吧!"當下心裏有點戚戚然,和小狗chub仔肉悶了一整天,和當天天氣一樣差勁。是否如妳所說我的錯和我的罪,都報在我心愛的女人身上。讓我看着,讓我知道,讓我活受罪。三次,三次都是妳們投到別人的懷抱裏,還有他們全都是...世上竟有如此巧合的事情。是報應嗎?我願知。
妳好...不知道妳會否看到這篇blog,原來不經不覺已經兩年,為甚麽會突然記起,只因剛又為eason做了一個演唱會。兩年前就是和妳看完now x eason在西港城的演唱會後,妳向我提出分手。ironically,當年在primal scream演唱會裏令我看到妳後追求妳。是否真的不經不覺,我想並不然,途中回頭不知回望多少遍,為人婆媽的我在頭一年不知問過,央求過多少次,給妳在msn駡過不知凡幾。一切回頭太難,罪有應得。星期六,打電話給妳,原本想和妳討論新的video project怎麼做。怎知變了一個長途電話,原來妳身在台灣短遊,聽到妳尷尬地乾笑幾聲,相信又是和F先生同遊罷,當然識相地說句"回來再談吧!"當下心裏有點戚戚然,和小狗chub仔肉悶了一整天,和當天天氣一樣差勁。是否如妳所說我的錯和我的罪,都報在我心愛的女人身上。讓我看着,讓我知道,讓我活受罪。三次,三次都是妳們投到別人的懷抱裏,還有他們全都是...世上竟有如此巧合的事情。是報應嗎?我願知。
archetype : interactive
很多人都問a:i並不是甚麼大公司,只有短短數年歷史,更沒有sales,怎麽會有這樣的客户群,如pccw,musicnation,chivas,channel[v],恆生銀行...等等,都是大客户。引用在mission hills裏學的一句話"識人好過識字",尤其是在香港的中國人社會,除了洋人仍有的特殊尊重和機會外,要不是他們欣賞你的名氣或作品,否則門檻也沒有。幸好我有人緣,識得一些關鍵人物,由細小的project開始,如,由一個商台903 x now banner ad做起,到mini-site,會員e-newsletter,至後來每個星期的網上廣告和其他projects。十分感激一個人 - A小姐,沒有她給我和a:i這個機遇,沒有現在的a:i。當然除了要找緊每次機會,做出有水準的作品亦好重要,否則人家給你的入場券很易就弄掉。我想a:i其中一個成功的原因是選擇好的客户合作,有好的作品集和客户群,得以令公司branding更上一層樓。我做設計是不看眼前錢,做得好是不愁有好客户找上門來。做創作行業,沒半點風格和風骨,是做不長的,願各同行共勉之。
Monday, August 22, 2005
我想十個有九個半會不明白archetype這個字,甚至發音都有困難,包括我自己。很多人會猜與 architect有關,但事實是一個心理學的名詞 (Jungian psychology, an inherited pattern of thought or symbolic imagery derived from the past collective experience and present in the individual unconscious.),還有就是原型,一個完美的prototype,很喜歡這個解釋。在中學美術科,我的美術老師 - 盧玉瑩小姐 (前電影及攝影工作者,當年她還介紹我到徐克的電影工作室做office assistant呢),她教導了我四年,有一句說話仍記於心,她說我的設計好 fragile,其意思是我設計的東西是不應有丁點改動,要不然就不成或不好了。還說我所有的 2nd thought 都是陪太子讀書,硬想出來的東西。所以當年B小姐(初戀情人)為我的公司冠名,用這一個名詞的時候,心想真是絕配。沿用至benny luk加入archetype和另一個影晌我生命的c小姐,改名archetype : interactive至今,當然又是另一個故事。